Beranda | Balita-Anda Online : Ibu, Bayi, Balita Sehat & Cerdas-balita sehat ceria

Beranda | Balita-Anda Online : Ibu, Bayi, Balita Sehat & Cerdas-balita sehat ceria

Beranda | Balita-Anda Online : Ibu, Bayi, Balita Sehat & Cerdas

Posted: 10 Jun 2012 04:27 AM PDT

Balita-Anda Online: Panduan Orangtua yang Cerdas, Kreatif dan Inovatif dalam Merawat dan Mendidik Bayi & Balita

Yayasan Balita Sehat - Making a Difference in Jakarta

Posted: 09 Jun 2012 04:31 PM PDT

Maternal and Child Health programs in JakartaYayasan Balita Sehat was initially established in 2001 in Jakarta by a small group of expatriate nurses who recognized that many children from lower income families suffered from malnutrition and associated diseases that led to chronic health problems and stunted development. YBS is now fully run by Indonesian staff members and assisted by international and local volunteers.  The name is literally translated as ‘Foundation for Healthy Children under five’.

Yayasan Balita Sehat (YBS) is a non-governmental organisation based in Jakarta working under the umbrella of the UK registered charity, Foundation for Mother and Child Health (FMCH). YBS have projects in Kupang, West Timor, and had some also in Aceh and Padang.

Information on Yayasan Balita Sehat

YBS no longer provides a well baby clinic as it did  before, but rather is working at the grassroot level to reduce malnutrition, support children’s education and women’s empowerment through the following initiatives:

  • feeding program for malnourished children under five years old,
  • health education for mothers,
  • early learning center,
  • small skills enterprise,
  • scholarship for elementary school students, and
  • medical services

Volunteering opportunities

If you are currently living in Jakarta and wish to do something fulfilling with your time, do think about volunteering with us.
We are always grateful for people with the following skills:

  • Nursing, Midwifery, Health Visiting experience
  • Nutritionists
  • Fundraising skills
  • Computing, IT skills
  • Writers, Journalists
  • Sewing skills
  • Design, Marketing or PR skills

If you think you may have a little time to offer, please contact We would be most grateful.


For more information, contact

Yayasan Balita Sehat (Foundation for Mother and Child Health Indonesia)
Jl. H. Naim II No. 10
Rt. 03 Rw. 11
Cipete Utara, Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan 12150 Indonesia
Tel. & Fax (62-21) 2172-32119


Last updated on May 30, 2012


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